Taming the Beast

Two Year Terror problems

 Let’s talk about discipline people. Jackson has hit his terrible twos and absolutely refuses to listen to a thing that comes out of momma’s mouth. I don’t know what to do. I was spanked as a child as there is nothing wrong with me having respect for my elders. I want to instill that same kind of respect that I have. I have witnessed bad behavior children in public and I always say to myself “get control of your child!” I have come to eat those words my son is not the best in public. Okay, I’ll be honest he is a monster😰.

What can I do though he is two I’m very stern with him when is comes to discipline but I don’t know if you have noticed this little monkey’s face? He has mommy wrapped around his tiny little baby finger. So when I discipline him I can’t stay mad for very long because he runs up to me and wraps his arms me and says “Sorry Momma!” How can u stand mad at a heart felt plea like that? So here in lies my problem what do I do with this mega monster in public?I want to take him places and do things fun but eventually he gets fussy and has a freak out. So we will leave the place mommy just blew a giant chunk of money on to compensate for my toddlers abrupt outburst. Here I am single mommy trying to settle a tiny tyke during Disney on Ice but not leave because the tickets were too expensive. So what’s a girl to do I know there are those of you that have championed this technique so if anyone has a suggest please leave it in my comment box. Ahhhhh real monsters!!!😨😰Image